Thursday, 1 February 2024




                             WORK IS WORSHIP

            Work is a necessary activity for every living being. God has created both men and beasts with some purpose. That purpose is called work or by some synonym.  Workers are known by several names like workmen, workwomen, labourers, artisans, craftsmen, performers, executors, operators, toilers, wage-earners, etc.

            Not to work is idleness which is sin. To work is to use our faculties in the service of God. God Himself is a worker along with humanity.  Polish-British  novelist Joseph Conrad  (1857-19240) says a man is a worker. If he is not that he is nothing. British poet William Morris (1834-1896)  prays : Give me love and work---these two only. American industrialist (1863-1947)  said: He who would really benefit mankind must reach them through their work. A former American President Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) says : “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work, Work is not a curse  ; it is the prerogative of intelligence, the only means to manhood, and the measure of civilization.’

            To visit sacred places of worship is okay but to spend most of our time in our workplace is greater worship of God.  God wants to see us serving Him through necessary activities of the world. That will be a laudable type of worship.



1st February 2024                                                                                                                         




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