Wednesday 14 February 2024





Worship of God consists of prayer, gratitude, respect, homage , devotion , adoration, etc. For these activities people do not need special places of worship because God is everywhere.  The human heart is the best place for prayer to God. In spite of this, dedicated places of worship like temples, mosques, churches are available all over the world. They are regarded as sacred with additional benefits including moral and spiritual guidance. There also the  principal activity  is prayer which is defined in different ways. Some of these are :

A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned God-ward.

The Lord’s prayer contains the sum total of religion and morals.

He prayeth well who loveth well.

In prayer it is better to have a heart without words, than word s without a heart.

According to the  American clergy H.W.Beecher (1813-1887)  prayer covers  the whole of man’s life. There is no thought, feeling, yearning, or desire, however, low, trifling, or vulgar we may deem it, which, if it affects our real interest or happiness, we may not lay before God and be sure of his sympathy. His nature is such that our often coming does not tire him. The whole burden of the whole life of every man may be rolled on to God and not weary him though it has wearied the man.

Finally, as a priest says a good man’s prayers will from the deepest dungeon climb heaven’s height, and bring a blessing down.    



14th February 2024




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