Personally speaking it is impossible to conceive a perfect definition of God. He is totally indefinable. Whatever
definitions have been given by saints and sager, seers and philosophers do not
satisfy us thoroughly. God still remains undefined and his universe a constant
There are innumerable names of God: Allah. The Almighty, Almighty God, The
Creator, Divine Being, The Deity, The Eternal, Khuda, Ishwar, Bhagwan, Brahma,
Prime Mover, The Supreme Being, Lord of
Lords, etc.
Given below are some deep thoughts about God.
1.This is
one of the names which we give to that eternal, infinite, and incomprehensible
being, the creator of all things, who preserves and governs everything by his
almighty powers and wisdom, and who is the only object of our worship.
2. In all
his dispensations, God is at work for our good. ---In prosperity he tries our
gratitude; in mediocrity, our contentment; in misfortune, our submission; in
darkness, our faith; under temptation; our steadfastness; and at all times, our
obedience and trust in him.
3. To escape
from evil we must be made, as far as possible, like God; and this resemblance consists in becoming just, and
holy, and wise. ---- Plato, a Greek
qualities of God are immortal , Immutable,
omnipresent, just, generous, merciful,
non-physical, truthful, good, holy, etc.
23 February 2024
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